Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Glacial Baptism

Journal from August 11, 2009:

I woke up this morning feeling irritable. Mosquitoes were out in full force, I smelled like a rotting corpse. My thoughts were trapped in my head and I wasn't enjoying the beauty surrounding me. Thankfully, Marie Lakes changed that for me. Marie Lakes (pictured third) is a body of water originally formed from melted glaciers. Ice cold, aqua blue, and surrounded by 12,000 ft. mountains. Once I walked above 10,000 feet, I stopped noticing the mosquitoes. I found a great campsite in between the two lakes. Temperatures were warm, and the noon day sun made the plants, grasses, wildflowers, and rocks glow with intensity.

I stepped into the ice cold water. "Wow, that's cold!" The sun's heat radiated the skin on my back. A little farther. "Whoa!!" I was having a hard time catching my breath. "Do it!" Dunking the rest of my body, I felt myself gasping for air. Exhilarating! Refreshing! What a difference a baptism in a glacial pond makes! The high Sierra sun quickly warmed my body and I soon felt all my muscles relax. Along with cleaning all the trail dirt from my body, my mind too, shed all negative thoughts and burdens and was quickly set at peace.

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